1. 運動傷害、腸胃道問題、靜脈炎、鼻竇炎與手術後的復原的療助上面。
2. 止痛 : 非類固醇消炎止痛藥的有效替代品。
3. 關節炎、慢性靜脈曲張、輕微瘀斑、痛風、痔瘡、經痛、自體免疫疾病與潰瘍性大腸炎等疾病症狀的治療上。
3. 降低血小板的過度集結並降低血液中血栓,特別是動脈的血液。
4. 能對於治療人類免疫缺陷病毒疾病有所效果。
5. 抗腫瘤。
6. 抗細菌、抗病毒。
7. 抗過敏 : 鼻炎、氣喘、異位性皮膚炎。
8. 內分泌失調。
9. 降血壓。
10. 治療失眠。
11. 預防動脈粥狀硬化。
PART 1 : Bromelain(鳳梨酵素)
鳳梨 (Pineapple) 的成分—鳳梨酵素(bromelain)減少與氣喘相關聯的發炎反應。
NIH的Eric Secor博士已三組經誘發而得到急性氣喘的老鼠為研究對象,一組為控制組,另兩組則分別給予不同劑量的鳳梨酵素,分別是每公斤體重2毫克與6毫克,整個療程為八天
研究人員發現以鳳梨酵素治療的組別總白血球數目明顯比控制組要來的少。通常在氣喘發作的過程中,白血球的數目會增加。經過鳳梨酵素的補充後,氣喘發炎指標 --- 嗜伊紅血球(eosinphils)減少幅度超過50%,但是更高劑量的鳳梨酵素並不會帶來更好的效果。
Secor 博士說:「我們對良好設計的隨機、控制與對照組臨床實驗研究,是否能適當地評估鳳梨酵素在治療氣喘的效果,抱有相當的希望。」
研究結果將為數百萬現正苦於氣喘的病患帶來重大突破。據英國氣喘營(National Asthma Campaign)統計,氣喘是英國最普遍的長期疾病,而在其他已開發國家,該疾病的發生率也持續增加,一般認為某些原因是由現代化生活所觸發,包含空氣污染與衛生問題。
(2)2006年3月20日健康與自然博覽會上,由台中榮民總醫院博士後研究員侯建維博士發表了一篇「為什麼鳳梨酵素可以抗發炎」的論文,刊載於「美國化學會」(Americans chemical society簡稱ACS)旗下的《農業與食品化學期刊》(Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry)。
PART3 : 山竹果~山酮素(XANTHONES)
相關影片(1) :
相關影片(2) :
相關影片(3) :
建議書籍 :
中文書 :醫療保健 /健康飲食 /營養補充品
論文基本資料 | |
篇名 | 鳳梨酵素調節細胞激素與抗發炎研究 |
並列篇名 | 菠蘿蛋白酶分泌細胞因子和抗炎的影響 |
作者 | 吳佩芬 ; 王文華 ; 紀宜仁 ; 許晉勳陳璟賢 ; 洪崇仁洪敏元 ; 楊堉麟 ; 姜泰安 |
發表期刊 | 華醫學報 |
出版年份 | 2009 年 |
卷期 | 31 期 |
頁次 | 第1〜18頁 |
關鍵字 | 鳳梨酵素,細胞激素,抗發炎,菠蘿蛋白酶,細胞因子 ; 消炎 |
語言別 | 中文 |
中文摘要 |
GDU /毫升活性濃度下與外周血單個核細胞(外周血單核 效果,發展 壞疽
英文摘要 |
這項研究的目的是評估菠蘿蛋白酶對細胞因子的輔助性T細胞分泌的調製。結果表明Th1細胞因子的濃度,包括IL-12,INF-γ水平顯著高於在8小時內外周血單個核細胞培養用做反應效果(P <0 .05="" font="">是轉化生長因子β的濃度顯著高於與菠蘿蛋白酶處理(P <0 .05="" font="">消炎效果處理脂多醣(LPS)和菠蘿蛋白酶。腫瘤壞死因子-α顯著降低,通過添加菠蘿蛋白酶(P <0 .05="" font="">總之,菠蘿蛋白酶可以提高分泌的Th1細胞因子的濃度,並增加TGF-β的量,然後降低誘導的TNF-α,可以調節的過敏性反應和在人體中的抗發炎。0>0>0>
"這一個抗腫瘤效果(鳳梨蛋白酶)優於那5-FU(5-氟二氧嘧啶),生存率大約是263%相對於控制組 "
鳳梨蛋白酶是消化蛋白質的酵素。在Planta Medica 報告的研究中,它直接地注入腹腔之內。 讓酵素經由消化徑路進入血流。因為酵素非常易受影響,而且改變本性,進入血流不是那麼容易。一定要有幫助,才能在胃中遭受高度酸性的環境後不被破壞。他們時常有一個腸外膜,幫助他們經過消化徑路後不被破壞。然後,有吸收的問題。將近100年來,醫療教條堅持口服的酵素太大,而無法通過消化道壁。然而,現在很多研究証明,他們的確能通過腸壁,進入血流和淋巴系統。然後給身體的其他部位,提供他們的服務,---這是醫療科學的秘密之一。既然我們知道這可能、全身性口服酵素就可以被用來治療從運動傷害到關節炎,心臟病和癌症的問題,特別是在歐洲的國家。但是大部份的研究,刊登在非英語期刋。
1999年的一個研究指出,他完全正確!十個患有不能動手術的胰臟癌症的患者,以大劑量的口服胰臟酵素(連同解毒作用和一種有機的飲食)治療。他們的存活率比接受傳統治療的患者高3-4 倍。蛋白水解酵素在治療癌症方面是有幫助的,因為他們幫助恢復免疫系統平衡。 紐約市尼克貢沙尼玆博士,在酵素治療癌症上做許多研究,而且寫了一本書。
C,溶解纖維蛋白: 癌細胞藏在纖維蛋白的披風之下避免被發現。一旦癌細胞被" 脫去外套 " ,就會被免疫系統看見而且攻擊。另外的想法是纖維蛋白和癌細胞綁在一起,增添轉移病變機會。
C,溶解纖維蛋白: 癌細胞藏在纖維蛋白的披風之下避免被發現。一旦癌細胞被" 脫去外套 " ,就會被免疫系統看見而且攻擊。另外的想法是纖維蛋白和癌細胞綁在一起,增添轉移病變機會。
1. 它主要的用途是用在運動傷害、腸胃道問題、靜脈炎(phlebitis)、鼻竇炎與手術後的復原的療助上面。200mg劑量的鳳梨酶已經證明是非類固醇消炎止痛藥的有效替代品[3]。
2. 鳳梨酶也被使用在關節炎[4]、慢性靜脈曲張(venous insufficiency)、輕微瘀斑、痛風、痔瘡、經痛、自體免疫疾病(autoimmune disease)與潰瘍性大腸炎(ulcerative colitis)等疾病症狀的治療上[5]。
5. 量產的鳳梨酶混合物可以使用在第三級燒傷的治療上,更高層級的燒傷治療則正在審核中。
PART2 : 諾麗酵素(NONI)
1. Tumor cell-selective antiproliferative effect of the extract from Morinda citrifolia fruits.
Arpornsuwan T, Punjanon T.
Faculty of Allied Health Science, Thammasat University, Pathumthani, Thailand. teerakul@alpha.tu.ac.th
The methanol extract from Morinda citrifolia fruits was tested for cytotoxicity activity on the MTT assay. The appearance of cytotoxic changes after exposure to the extract was in a concentration dependent manner. The median lethal concentrations (LC(50)) of the extract in baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells, African green monkey kidney (Vero) cells and human laryngeal carcinoma (Hep2) cells were found to be 2.5, 3 and 5 mg/mL, respectively. A concentration of 0.1 mg/mL of crude extract exhibited cytotoxic activity against breast cancer (MCF7) and neuroblastoma (LAN5) cell lines at 29% and 36%, respectively (對乳癌細胞及神經母細胞瘤有部份抑制效果). The same concentration of extract showed no toxicity to Vero and very little toxicity to BHK (6%) and Hep2 (13%) cells.
PMID: 16619339 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
2. Inhibition of angiogenic initiation and disruption of newly established human vascular networks by juice from Morinda citrifolia (noni).
Hornick CA, Myers A, Sadowska-Krowicka H, Anthony CT, Woltering EA.
Department of Physiology, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. chorni@lsuhsc.edu
noni, the juice of the fruit from the Morinda citrifolia plant, has been used for centuries as a medicinal agent. We tested the effects of noni juice in a three-dimensional fibrin clot matrix model using human placental vein and human breast tumor explants as sources for angiogenic vessel development. Noni in concentrations of 5% (vol/vol) or greater was highly effective in inhibiting the initiation of new vessel sprouts from placental vein explants, compared with initiation in control explants in media supplemented with an equivalent amount of saline. These concentrations of noni were also effective in reducing the growth rate and proliferation of newly developing capillary sprouts. When used at a concentration of 10% in growth media, noni was able to induce vessel degeneration and apoptosis in wells with established capillary networks within a few days of its application. We also found that 10% noni juice in media was an effective inhibitor of capillary initiation in explants from human breast tumors(發現諾麗果汁對於乳癌的微血管增生有抑制效果). In tumor explants which did show capillary sprouting, the vessels rapidly degenerated (2-3 days) in those exposed to media supplemented with 10% noni.
PMID: 14739620 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
3. Antitumour potential of a polysaccharide-rich substance from the fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) on sarcoma 180 ascites tumour in mice.
Furusawa E, Hirazumi A, Story S, Jensen J.
Department of Pharmacology, John Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
An immunomodulatory polysaccharide-rich substance (Noni-ppt) from the fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia has been found to possess both prophylactic and therapeutic potentials against the immunomodulator sensitive Sarcoma 180 tumour system. The antitumour activity of Noni-ppt produced a cure rate of 25%-45% in allogeneic mice and its activity was completely abolished by the concomitant administration of specific inhibitors of macrophages (2-chloroadenosine), T cells (cyclosporine) or natural killer (NK) cells (anti-asialo GM1 antibody).
Noni-ppt showed synergistic or additive beneficial effects when combined with a broad spectrum of chemotherapeutic drugs(諾麗果與一些化療有協同效果), including cisplatin, adriamycin, mitomycin-C, bleomycin, etoposide, 5- fl uorouracil, vincristine or camptothecin. It was not beneficial when combined with (但與下列化療或免疫療法搭配則無效)paclitaxel, cytosine arabinoside, or immunosuppressive anticancer drugs such as cyclophosphamide, methotrexate or 6-thioguanine. Noni-ppt also demonstrated beneficial effects when combined with the (與右列搭配有效)Th1 cytokine, interferon gamma, but its activity was abolished when combined with (與下列搭配則效果會被抵銷)Th2 cytokines, interleukin-4 or interleukin-10, thereby suggesting that Noni-ppt induces a Th1 dominant immune status in vivo. The combination of Noni-ppt with imexon, a synthetic immunomodulator, also demonstrated beneficial effects, but not when combined with the MVE-2 copolymer, a high molecular weight immunomodulator. It was also not effective when combined (與介白素2號及12號搭配無效)with interleukin-2 or interleukin-12. Copyright 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
PMID: 14669249 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
4. Cancer preventive effect of Morinda citrifolia (Noni).
Wang MY, Su C. Department of Pathology, UIC College of Medicine, Rockford, Illinois 61107, USA. mianwang@uic.edu
Morinda citrifolia (Noni) has been extensively used in folk medicine by Polynesians for over 2,000 years. It has been reported to have broad therapeutic effects, including anticancer activity, in both clinical practice and laboratory animal models. The mechanism for these effects remains unknown. The hypothesis that Morinda citrifolia possesses a cancer preventive effect at the initiation stage of carcinogenesis was studied. Our preliminary data indicated that 10% Tahitian Noni Liquid Dietary Supplement or Tahitian Noni Juice (TNJ), made from Morinda citrifolia fruit by Morinda Inc, in drinking water for one week was able to prevent DMBA-DNA adduct formation. The levels of DMBA-DNA adducts were reduced by 30% in the heart, 41% in the lung, 42% in the liver, and 80% in the kidney of female SD rats. Even more dramatic results were obtained in male C57 BL-6 mice: 10% TNJ was able to reduce DMBA-DNA adduct formation by 60% in the heart, 50% in the lung, 70% in the liver, and 90% in the kidney. In order to explore the mechanism of this preventive effect, the antioxidant activity of TNJ was examined in vitro by lipid hydroperoxide (LPO) and tetrazolium nitroblue (TNB) assays. In the LPO assay, LPO oxidizes leucomethylene blue to methylene blue in the presence of hemoglobin. The resultant blue color was quantified at 660 nm spectrophotometrically. In the TNB assay, superoxide anion radicals (SAR) reduce TNB into formazan blue that was also measured by absorption at 602 nm. TNJ showed a dose-dependent inhibition of both LPO and SAR in our system. The antioxidant activity of TNJ was compared to the effects of vitamin C, grape seed powder (GSP), and pycnogenol (PYC) at the daily dose per serving level recommended by U.S.RDAs or manufacturers. The results suggest that prevention of carcinogen-DNA adduct formation and the antioxidant activity of TNJ may contribute to the cancer preventive effect of Morinda citrifolia(與維他命C、葡萄籽與碧羅芷比較,諾麗果在DNA保護及TNJ的抗氧化上,有可能有效果)
PMID: 11795436 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
5. Two novel glycosides from the fruits of Morinda citrifolia (noni) inhibit AP-1 transactivation and cell transformation in the mouse epidermal JB6 cell line.
Liu G, Bode A, Ma WY, Sang S, Ho CT, Dong Z.
The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota, Austin, MN 55912, USA.
The fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia (noni), a plant originally grown in the Hawaiian and Tahitian islands, has long been used by islanders to treat diseases, including cancer. Two novel glycosides, 6-O-(beta-D-glucopyranosyl)-1-O-octanoyl-beta-D-glucopyranose and asperulosidic acid, extracted from the juice of noni fruits, were used to examine their effects on 12-O-tedtradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)- and epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced AP-1 transactivation and cell transformation in mouse epidermal JB6 cells. The results indicated that both compounds were effective in suppressing TPA- or EGF-induced cell transformation and associated AP-1 activity. TPA- or EGF-induced phosphorylation of c-Jun, but not extracellular signal-regulated kinases or p38 kinases, was also blocked by the compounds, indicating that c-Jun N-terminal kinases were critical in mediating TPA- or EGF-induced AP-1 activity and subsequent cell transformation in JB6 cells.(諾麗果的兩種配醣體成份,有抑制細胞轉化的功效)
PMID: 11479211 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
6. An immunomodulatory polysaccharide-rich substance from the fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia (noni) with antitumour activity.
Hirazumi A, Furusawa E.
Department of Pharmacology, John A., Burns School of Medicine, 1960 East West Road, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA.
The fruit juice of Morinda citrifolia (noni) contains a polysaccharide-rich substance (noni-ppt) with antitumour activity in the Lewis lung (LLC) peritoneal carcinomatosis model. Therapeutic administration of noni-ppt significantly enhanced the duration of survival of inbred syngeneic LLC tumour bearing mice. It did not exert significant cytotoxic effects in an adapted culture of LLC cells, LLC1, but could activate peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) to impart profound toxicity when co-cultured with the tumour cells. This suggested the possibility that noni-ppt may suppress tumour growth through activation of the host immune system. Concomitant treatment with the immunosuppressive agent, 2-chloroadenosine (C1-Ade) or cyclosporin (cys-A) diminished its activity, thereby substantiating an immunomodulatory mechanism. Noni-ppt was also capable of stimulating the release of several mediators from murine effector cells, including tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), IL-10, IL-12 p70, interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and nitric oxide (NO), but had no effect on IL-2 and suppressed IL-4 release. Improved survival time and curative effects occurred when noni-ppt was combined with sub-optimal doses of the standard chemotherapeutic agents, adriamycin (Adria), cisplatin (CDDP), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), and vincristine (VCR), suggesting important clinical applications of noni-ppt as a supplemental agent in cancer treatment. Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
7. 全國碩士論文/楊惠美:noni重要保健功能:「降血壓、降低心血管疾病、抗癌、抗氧化、抗菌、抗發炎、止痛、改變蛋白質的結構,調節代謝反應…
國家圖書館/全國博碩士論文/ 系統編號: 097NPUS5253033 出版年: 研究生: 楊惠美 研究生(英文姓名): Hui Mei Yang 論文名稱: 諾麗果採收後的生理變化及其發酵液抗氧化性之探討 英文論文名稱: Study on the postharvest physiology of Noni(Morinda citrifolia)and antioxidant activity of its broth 指導教授: 吳明昌 博士 指導教授(英文姓名): Ming-Chang Wu Ph.D. 學位類別: 碩士 校院名稱: 屏東科技大學 系所名稱: 食品科學系所 學號: N9636004 學年度: 97 語文別: 中文 論文頁數: 124 關鍵詞: 諾麗果 ; 生理變化 ; 果膠甲基酯酶 ; 抗氧化能力 英文關鍵詞: Noni ; physiology ; pectinesterase ; antioxidant 被引用次數: 0 [ 摘要 ] 檄樹(Morinda citrifolia L.)為茜草科(Rubiaceae)常綠灌木又稱諾麗(noni),其果實為夏威夷及大溪地民眾之民俗用藥。許多研究指出,諾麗果具有抗氧化、抗癌、增強免疫、降血壓等保健功效。傳統方式製作發酵果汁需耗時3個月,且一般業者僅利用空氣中的微生物進行發酵,此舉不但會造成發酵液品質不定,且恐有食用安全之疑慮。因此本研究首先探討諾麗果採後儲藏(0-6天)之生理特性,如:硬度、酵素活性、總果膠含量、色澤等,由實驗結果發現,採後儲藏1天後軟化速度迅速,其硬度下降約82.8%,且果膠甲基酯酶活性由0.2升至0.5 U/mL,總果膠含量也提高至4.49( AGAg/100mg鮮果)。第二部分擬添加商業化酵母菌、醋酸菌與乳酸菌進行諾麗果汁之發酵,期望改善傳統製程之缺點如:發酵時間長、菌種良莠不齊、產品品質不穩定等。經實驗結果發現,諾麗果發酵液製程需時短,約35天即可完成,且其抗氧化能力測定優於未發酵之果汁。總抗氧化能力(Trolox equivalenr antioxidant capacity;TEAC)為果汁的2.5倍、DPPH清除自由基能力方面發酵液約為73-92%略高於果汁(50-80%),而總酚含量(Gallic acid equivalent)則為果汁的2倍。綜合以上結果得知,添加商業化菌種之發酵液除發酵時間短,更提升其抗氧化能力與總酚含量,期望對曠日廢時之傳統發酵諾麗果汁製程能有所助益,並可協助傳統農產加工業轉型升級。 [ 英文摘要 ] Morinda citrifolia L. belongs to Rubiaceae evergreen bush and also called noni, its fruit adopted by the people of Hawaii and Tahiti as a folkways medicine. Lots of research pointed out that noni have the health care function of antioxidant, anticancer, enhance immunity and reduced the blood pressure. The tradition way of making fermented needed 3 months and the natural microorganism was used only in the fermentation, so, the quality of its broth was always unstable. In order to improve the quality of the noni broth, the postharvest physiology of Noni was surveyed first in this study, such as hardness, pectinase activity, total pectin content and color etc.. The results showed the soften rate became rapidly after one day of harvest storage, the hardness decreased 82.8% approximately, and the activity of pectin methyl esterase raised from 0.2 to 0.5 U/mL, total pectin content increased to 4.49(AGAg/100mg fresh fruit). The Noni juice was fermented with commercialized saccharomycete, acetic acid bacteria and lactobacillus in the second part, in order to improve the quality of fermented noni juice. It was about 35 days to process the fermented noni juice, the total antioxidant capacity (Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity;TEAC) is two and half times than the fresh juice, the DPPH of fermented noni juice was 73-92%, it was better than the fresh juice with (50-80%), the gallic acid equivalent of fermented noni juice was 2 times of the fresh juice. From all the results above, besides the shorten of the fermentation time by adding the ferment liquid of commercialized microorganisms, its antioxidant capacity and gallic acid equivalent were higher than the fresh juice, so, this technology could improve the quality of the traditional fermented noni juice, it would be benefit to the noni growers and the processors.
8. 有關諾麗的研究報告有相當價值者不下百餘篇諸如:
現任於美國伊利諾州立大學醫學院 洛克福校區病理學系(University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford, Department of Pathology, IL 61107, USA)的王綿英醫師(Mian-Ying Wang, M.D.& M.S. ),王醫師先後發表了多篇有關諾麗防癌研究的論文。其一是“諾麗的防癌效能”發表在美國紐約科學年鑑第952卷上(Cancer Preventive effect of Moninda citrifolia, Noni, Volume 952 of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. December 2001)。其二是諾麗對抽煙者血漿中超氧化物自由基和脂質過氧化物的清除作用,發表在法國巴黎號召的“第十一屆國際自由基研究學術會議”上 (Protective effects of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) on Plasma SAR and CPO in Current Smokers XI Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International, July 16-20, 2002)。其三是諾麗(Noni):文獻和綜述諾麗的研究的最新進展發表在中國藥理學校第23卷12期上(Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A Literature review and recent advancer in Noni research. Acta Pharmacological Sinica an International Journal 23(12): 1057-1219, December 2002)。
在美國農業局從事研究工作的詹姆斯‧杜克博士( Dr. James A. Duke)為世界知名
藥草科學家,曾經發表一篇有關諾麗中的 23種已知的生物元素、5種維生素和3
美國夏威夷大學醫學院 ( University of Hawaii, School of Medicine)研究發現諾麗果中含有6-D-比喃型葡萄糖五乙酸鹽 (6-D-glucopyranose penta-acetate)的多醣體(polysaccharide compound)。同時,美國密尼蘇達大學‧赫瑪學院 (The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota, Austin, MN)也法表了一篇從諾麗果中提取出來兩種配醣體(甘)(glycoside),包括有6-O(β-D-比喃型葡萄糖)和1-O-辛醯β--D-比喃型葡萄糖【6-O-(beta-D-glucopyransyl)-1-O-octanoyl-beta-D-Glucopyranose】以及麴黴酸(asperulosidic acid),並且以實驗證實這兩種配醣體可以抑制癌細胞的生成。
1. 抗細菌:諾麗果中acubin、L-asperulo-side和alizarin,有對抗綠膿桿菌、金黃色葡萄球菌、大腸桿菌、沙門氏菌和志賀菌的效果。
2. 抗病毒:從諾麗根分離出來的一種anthraquinone成分,可以抑制愛滋病毒,而且不會抑制被愛滋病毒感染的細胞生長。
3. 抗結核菌:從諾麗樹的葉子萃取的成分,可以像rifampicin一樣,有抗結核菌的效果。
4. 抗腫瘤:諾麗果汁在高濃度可以使癌細胞壞死,在低濃度時,可以使之凋亡。不過它似乎是經由提升免疫力來發揮抑制腫瘤的效果。當合併抗癌藥物使用時,可以降低抗癌藥物的使用量,而得到同樣的效果,因此可以減低抗癌藥物的副作用。它也可以加強例如Taxol的治療效果。
5. 抗寄生蟲:諾麗葉子的酒精萃取物可以讓蛔蟲麻痺和死亡。
6. 止痛:諾麗果有止痛和鎮靜的效果,已經在白鼠和老鼠得到證明。
7. 降低血壓:諾麗根的萃取物有降低血壓,諾麗果汁有利尿的效果。
8. 增加免疫:服用諾麗果汁的動物胸腺會變大1.7倍,而胸腺是產生細胞的地方,而T細胞與老化以及免疫功能有密切的關係。
9. 增強高頻聽力:諾麗果汁可以在人類改善高頻的聽力。
10. 抗氧化:諾麗果汁有清除自由基的作用,可以減少四氯化碳對老鼠產生的肝毒性。
11. 抗發炎:諾麗果汁可以選擇性的抑制COX-2。
12. 預防動脈粥狀硬化:低密度脂蛋白的氧化是導致動脈粥狀硬化的重要步驟。諾麗果的萃取物可以抑制這種氧化現象。
1.山竹果皮萃取物對乳癌細胞生長有抑制效果。 泰國Mahidol大學
2.6種山竹xanthones可抑制HL60血癌細胞生長,alpha-mangostin可殺死血癌細胞。 日本Gifu國際生物科技研究所
3.山竹果皮中的alpha-、beta-mangostins及garcinone B對結核菌(TB)有強烈抑制效果。 泰國曼谷Srinakharinwirot大學
4.garcinone 能殺死肝癌、胃癌及肺癌細胞 台灣台北榮民總醫院
5.山竹為泰國民間傳統用藥,研究証實山竹果強烈抑制組織胺釋出及抑制前列腺素E合成功效,對預防過敏很有效。 日本Tohoku大學
6.山竹果在東南亞普遍用在皮膚感染、傷口修復及腹瀉上,研究證實山竹果果皮之gamma-mangostin有強烈抑制前列腺素E2(PGE2) 釋出效果。 日本Tohoku大學
7.氧化破壞在心臟血管疾病及其它慢性疾病中扮演關鍵性角色,研究證實山竹果中的xanthone及mangostin可抑制低密度脂蛋白(LDL、一種壞膽固醇) ,如果LDL之氧化受到抑制,則LDL膽固醇就無法表現出它” 壞” 的性質,而不致引起心臟病。 泰國Songkla王子大學
8.山竹果之xanthone及mangostin有抑制愛滋病毒(HIV) 複製之能力。 比利時Antwerp大學
9.山竹果之alpha-mangostin及gamma-mangostin為組織胺及血清素接受器之抗拒劑,故可抑制發炎及對抗過敏。 日本Tohoku大學
10.alpha-mangostin佔據了組織胺接受器之位置使組織胺無法發揮作用,山竹果能有抗發炎及抗過敏之作用,原因在此 日本Tohoku大學
11.山竹果可抑制金黃色葡萄球菌,試管中證實Xanthone衍生物methicillin(一種盤尼面林) 敏感及拮抗之金黃色葡萄球菌菌株均有強烈之抗菌作用。 日本Gifu醫藥大學
12.低密度脂蛋白(LDL) 之氧化在動脈硬化中扮演重要角色,山竹之mangostin扮演自由基清道夫角色(海綿式吸食掃蕩) 來保護LDL不受到氧化,也就是它是一種很強的抗氧化劑。 西澳洲大學Royal Perth醫院
13.山竹果之alpha-mangostin對腎上腺癌細胞有很強的殺滅作用。 日本Tohoku大學
14.Xanthones保護內皮細胞,抑制單核球細胞黏附在內皮上,可阻止血管內斑的形成,從而達到預防心臟血管疾病的效果 中國長沙中南大學
15.以27種山竹Xanthones對人的乳房、腎臟、黑色素細胞癌做研究,發現不同的x對癌細胞之抑制能力有所不同 葡萄牙Porto大學
16.植物體中自然形成的Xanthones有200種,而山竹果截至2007年6月為止,已被發現含有其中40種Xanthones衍生物,為已知植物中含量最高的,一般植物之Xanthones衍生物 不會超過8種 泰國曼谷Srinakharinwirot大學
17.以老鼠為試驗對象,所有的Xanthones 衍生物都有降血壓效果 台灣高雄醫學大學
18.Mangiferin一種Xanthones衍生物,可以降低第二型糖尿病老鼠的血糖,推測mangiferin可能是透過降低胰島素之抗阻性而使血糖降低 日本Suzuka大學
19.有五種Xanthones衍生物可抑制血栓形成(按:對阻塞性腦中風有預防作用) 波蘭醫學大學
20.Xanthones衍生物對抗痙攣有效 波蘭Jagiellonian大學
21.Xanthones對血管有鬆弛之作用 台灣台大醫學院毒物科
22.Xanthones有很強的抗瘧疾效果 美國Oregon健康科學大學
23.Xanthones有很強的抗血栓效果(對預防中風有效) 台灣高雄醫學大學
24.Xanthones有很強的抗癌效果 台灣高雄醫學大學
25.所研究的18種Xanthones中,部份Xanthones確實有抗發炎作用 台灣高雄醫學大學藥劑系
26.Xanthones是一種很強的monoamine oxidases抑制劑 瑞典de Lausanne大學
27.Xanthones衍生物對人類癌細胞株具有抗腫瘤效果 台灣高雄醫學大學
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中文書 :醫療保健 /健康飲食 /營養補充品
